I can’t connect to an MS SQL database

I added a new connection to an MS SQL server, and it works in the Preview, but on the main screen it shows the error. What do I do?

The error occurs because the EasyMail7 Server service is run under the system account but the ODBC connection is made under the user account. To avoid the error, try to create the link to your MS SQL database using Database Link to -> Microsoft SQL server, then choose the server name, login etc. Do not create the link through the Connection Editor.

If it does not help, run the EasyMail7 Server service under the user account:

1. Go to Settings -> Server Settings, connect and stop the EasyMail7 Server.

2. Go to Control Panel -> System and Security -> Administrative Tools -> Services.

3. Find G-Lock EasyMail7 Server service, click the right mouse button on it and select “Properties”.

4. Click on the “LogOn” tab.

5. Check “This Account”, click “Browse” and select the user account.

6. Type the password and click OK.

7. Go to G-Lock EasyMail7 -> Settings -> Server Settings, connect and re-start the EasyMail7 Server.

Now create a link to your MS SQL database and see if the error still occurs or not.

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