What You Need "Email Robot" For
You have monitoring tools against your infrastructure which confirm that the system operation activities are healthy and functioning as expected. A confirmation email is received on a regular basis (eg. every 10 min). The data extracted from the email and saved to the database.
If the email arrives and confirms that all the indicators are successful, a 'success' message is sent. If the email arrives but confirms an issue (eg. one or more indicators is not successful), an alarm is raised (eg. an email reporting the issue is sent).
If the email doesn't arrive in the specified period of time (10 min), an alarm is raised (eg. an alert email is sent to the system).
What "Email Robot" Does
"Email Robot" checks the account on a periodic basis (every 10 min), extracts the data from the emails and adds the data to the database.
If the email is received, the "email robot" processes it and sends a confirmation message about a successful operational activity if all the data is found in the message (in our example, the message must contain 3 indicators).
If the email is received but some data is missing (in our example, if the indicator 3 is missing), the "email robot" sends an alert email that the indicator is not found.
If the email doesn't arrive within the specified period of time, it sends an alert email.
Download "Email Robot" Rule Sample (.zip file)
How to Use It
Extract the Demo.mdb file and the Rules folder from the email-robot.zip file.
Save the Demo.mdb file (sample of the MS Access database) to the root directory on the D:\ drive.
Open the Rules folder, copy the files and folders and save them to this directory:
C:\ProgramData\G-Lock Software\Email Processor\Rules
Open G-Lock Email Processor and create an account that the "email robot" will monitor.
Specify the period of time to monitor your account in the account settings ["Check Account Every 10 min"].
Attach the "Check if email is received" and "Send Alert to Ticket System if Email is not received" rules to the account.
The "Check if email is received" rule processes incoming messages on a periodic basis and sends either a confirmation email about the activity success, or an alert message if some data is missing.
The "Send Alert to Ticket System if Email is not received" rule sends an alert email if the message does not arrive.
Check the rules settings and adjust them to your needs.